

English Class Update

Hello everyone, hope you are all staying healthy and warm! Earlier this week, we had snow in Tomioka. It snowed all day and night and the next morning, everything was coved with a blanket of snow! It was beautiful and though students complained about being cold, they were also happy to talk about the snow activities that they would do after school 興奮・ヤッター!

In class, we are learning many new things, including how to describe the past and what has happend. It's a confusing lesson, but the students are all smart and are picking it up quickly! Let's continue to cheer them on until spring break comes and learn as much as we can together! 

Stay tuned for more updates from our English class and as always, stay healthy and warm and have a great weekend!  


Last Funglish Day Activity - 02/27

Hello everyone! This is a bit late, but last week Thursday  was our last Funglish Day activity for the semester and the last Funglish Day event for the 3rd years who will be graduating next week! 

We played a version of Jenga, which we called "Slanga." The rules are the same as regular Jenga, however if you pull out a block and there is a note written on the bottom of a slang word we learn how and when to use it!

The students all enjoyed competing against one another and testing the limits the tower. Though the activity was fun, it was a little bitter sweet knowing that this would be the last time our 3rd years would be coming to join us. 

We wish them good luck on thier next academic adventure and hope to see them again sometime in the future! Thank you to all the students who have come out during thier lunch breaks and can't wait for the next Funglish activities next semester キラキラ


花丸 Funglish Day 02/13

Hello everyone! 

Here is an update from from our Funglish Day activities! Last week for Funglish Day, we played speed in the library. The students really enjoyed visitng a game they haven't played in awhile, as well as show the students that didn't know how to play a new game to enjoy! As winter is ending, so is the semester and the students will take finals soon. So, it was fun to see the students laughing and playing together! 


If you dont know how to play speed, it is a game where you challenge one other player and have to stack the cards in numerical order in order to finish your cards and win! The player that gets rid of thier cards the fastest is the winner! Thank you to all the students that came out and can't wait to see who shows up at our next Funglish Day activty! 星



晴れ Funglish Day- 02/06

Hello everyone! 

It's Funglish Day again today and we had another activity! Today, we played Jenga. 

If you aren't familiar with Jenga, it is a game where each person takes one block at a time and stacks it on top. The person to knock over the tower is the loser! But, since it is Funglish Day, we added questions on the bottom of some of the blocks for the students to anser is they happen to pull them. It was fun to see the students enjoying a new game and having fun together! 


Stay tuned for more updates on our Funglish classes and our special activities on Thursdays! 

Have a great day and stay warm 笑う


星 Funglish Day - 01/30

Hello everyone! 

Hope you are doing well. This week for our Funglish activity, we played a game well known here in Gunma. We played Jomo Karuta, this is a game that is traditionally played by children on New Year. 

Jomo Karuta is a card slapping game all about Gunma, but since it was Fuglish day, we played the English version! Our 3rd years have been playing this game every week, so we thought that it would be a fun idea to let all the students have the opportunity to play and have fun! 

Thank you to everyone who joined us! Hope to see you next week for our next event! 



NEW E.N.G. Activity : New Years game!

Hello everyone! 

Today is Funglish Day again and for today's activity, we played a New Years game! 

This New Years game is called cup and ball and for this game you have cups taped to the end of the table and from the other side of the table you need to roll the ball into the cup. But, since today is Funglish Day, if you get the ball into the cup I ask you a question in English! 

The students had a lot of fun playing and scoring, as well as, answering English questions. We hope to see eveyone join us next week for our next activity! 

Have a great dayキラキラ





キラキラ Welcome back from Winter Vacation!

Hello everyone! 

I hope you are doing well. We are back from our winter vacations and from what I have heard from the students, they were happy to have a little bit of a break! 

For christmas, the students got presents from their families and ate various christmas cakes and foods. 

And for New Year they ate Ozoni soup, soba and got otoshidama from their families! 

As for me, I went back home to Guam for my vaction and had a great time spending the holidays on my island with my family and friends.

Let's wish the students well on thier studies this semester as well and keep cheering them on! The 3rd years are currenly in the process of taking their high school entrance exams so they are extra nervous, wish them good luck! 

Happy New Year everybody! キラキラ



星 Funglish Day Speed UNO - 12/19

Hello everyone! 

Yesterday was our last ENG ( English, Now, Go!)  activity before the winter holiday! 

We played a round of speed UNO, which made the game more challending and fast as I only gave them 2 seconds to think and put down a card! I was also able to show some of the students some tricks to play in order to win the game faster! 

If you have never played UNO, it is a color and number matching game essentially, along with some curve balls along the way. For example, when you have one card left, you call out "UNO" and but then the next player can put down an add 2 card and you no longer have UNO! 


We are very thanful for all the help and participation during our Funglish Day activities and can't wait to start them up again next year! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! キラキラ


NEW 3rd year Board Race! - 12/18

Hello everyone! 

Here is an update from our Funglish classroom! The 3rd year students have finished their testing and are now counting down the days till their winter vacation. 

During the last 10 minutes of our class, the students got to play " shiritori" or in English it is known as " Take the Last."

In this game, we start off with a letter and the student then has to write a word starting with that letter. Then, the next student has to take the last letter of that word and write a new word! 

The students had a fun time playing and competing with one another! 2 more days until winter vacation, lets finish strong! 


Stay tuned for more updates on our Funglish activities and class! Have a great day! キラキラ



Funglish Day Snowball Toss - 12/12

Hello everyone! 

It's Funglish day again today and we had another event. 
For today's event, we played cup pong! For this activity there were written words on the cups such as:

I , you, likes, eat , ramen , cats, etc. 

The objective of this game was for the students to make a sentence with the cups by tossing the ball and trying to make it inside the cups! 

At first we had the cups flat, but as time progresssed, we found more ways to be creative and started stacking the cups to make the challenge more difficult. The students and I had a great time playing and having fun together! 


Stay tuned for more updates on our E.N.G ( English, Now, Go ) activities, have a great day! 


興奮・ヤッター! Funglish Day Christmas Tree Decoration - 12/05

Hello everyone! It's Funglish Day today, as well as the first Thursday of the Christmas season! 

Today we started our Christmas activities for this month, starting off with something extra special for the Funglish room. 

During lunch break, we got to write our wishes on ornaments, as well as draw some fun pictures. But, the best part was that we all got to decorate together and have fun talking about what we were writing! 

I'm glad that we got to have another fun Funglish day together and do something special for our classroom! 

We'll be back next week for more Funglish classroom and activity updates. Have a great day! キラキラ


星 Origami Christmas Decorations - 12/05

Hello everyone! 

Since the start of December, we've been trying to decorate our classroom with chirstmas decorations to get into the season. One of our first year girls has been helping us with her amazing origami skills! She has made mady decorations so far, but some of my favorite are:

- Pokemon christmas wreath 

- Surprise bear box 

- Cat and Giraffe Christmas animals

- Disney Ornaments 

They are all very cute and help our classroom be more festive for this coming Christmas! I can't wait to she what her creativity brings us next. We'll be looking forward to it! 



Funglish class update! - 12/03

Hello everyone! 

Here is a little update from our English class. Our 3rd years are learning how to say what their wishes are. 

For example, " I wish I had 100,000,000 yen." 

All of the kids had great wishes, some of my favorites were: 

- I wish I could talk and be friends with animals. 

- I wish I could bea flower. 

- I wish I could be a cat.

They are learning this at a perfect time, because it is the Christmas season! 

During this season, people create a " Wish list," of what they want for Christmas to Santa and their families. 笑う

It is a sign of the winter season and as the season is changing, the weather is als getting colder, so please stay warm! 

Stay tuned for more updates on our English classes! 


Yomkikase Funglish Day! - 11/28

Hello everyone! 

It's Funglish Day today again and we had another activity. This is our last fall Funglish day, so we did something extra special. 

" Yomikikase" is known in english as "storytime." Today's story was  The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Suess! 

The story is about two children who were bored on a rainy day while their mother is at work and were wishing for something to do. Then suddenly, a cat in a hat came though thier door with many tricks and fun adventures for them to go on together! 

This is a childhood favorite book for many students in the US and I'm glad that we got to read it together today! 

See you all next week as we beging our Christmas Funglish activities! 


星 Funglish Day UNO! - 11/21

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well! It has gotten a lot colder outside as winter is approaching, so please try to stay warm and dress warmly! 

It's Funglish day again and today we had another activity planned for today that many of the kids got to enjoy! 

Today we played a game of Thanksgiving UNO! This is a game that is widly played all over the world for people to play for many occasions. The variation we played today is "UNO: Wild Turkey" 

The rules are mostly the same except, when you get a " Wild Turkey" card you get to either make someone pick up 4 cards or you can choose the next color for the cards. 

Thank you to all the students who came to join us and for those who couldn't make it, we hope to see you on our next Funglish day activity! 



重要 Funglish Day Broadcast & Update! - 11/14

Hello everyone it's Funglish day again and this week the student's schedule is a little different because they are on their last day of their midterm exams! They started since yesterday, so lets cheer them up and wish them good luck again today! 

In today's Funglish lunch broadcast we talk about the most famous character in the USA. Can you guess who it is? Well... it's none other than 1ツ星Mickey Mouse1ツ星created by Walt Disney! He created the character to show people charm, fun, and happiness.

The first years are also working on presentation projects, introducing their favorite characters, celebrities, and even pets! We are all excited to hear them! 

Stay tuned for more updates on our classes and activities we do on Funglish days! Have a great day キラキラ


イベント Funglish Day Matching Card Game! - 11/07

Hello everyone! It is Funglish Day again and this week we played a game of "Match the Cards!" 

This is a matching game that takes both memorization and quick thinking... at least quicker than the person next to you!

I will teach you how to play the game: 

1. The dealer puts the back side of the cards down on the table in front of the players.  

2. When the dealer says " Go!"  the players flip two cards over at a time trying to find the matching pair. 

3. !!IMPORTANT!! Only two cards can be turned around at a time. 

4. The first to get all the cards right is the winner! 

It was a fun game that the students enjoyed playing and the teachers enjoyed watching! 

Stay tuned for more updates on other Funglish activities we are going to do in the future.  興奮・ヤッター!


キラキラ Happy Halloween!

Hello everyone! 

Yesterday was Funglish Day, but also Halloween! 

Halloween in the USA is known as a day where people dress up as their favorite characters and go trick or treating. 

Trick or Treating is when you go house to house and knock on their doors and say trick or treat! After that, they will reward you with a sweet treat! 

But did you know that Halloween started because people in the past belived that it was a day when evil spirits would come back, so to keep them away they wore scary costumes. 

Today tho, it is something fun for everyone to enjoy! Here are some cute drawings students did for Halloween 笑う


お知らせ Hurry! Make a sentence!

Update from the Funglish Class! 

The second year students had to put their heads together and quickly makeu up sentences from th pictures that they saw on the screen! 

For example: someone hearing shocking news " I am ____ to hear the news!" 

some of the words the students came up with were: 

- surprised 

- amazed 

- glad 

They had fun thinking together and showing thier English skils for this activity! 興奮・ヤッター!


重要 Funglish Day Halloween Activity - 10/24

We did our first ENG. ( English.. Now, Go!) activity for Funglish day last week! 

During the students lunch time break, we played " Whats in the Box?"  Where students had to blindly put there hand inside the box and guess what was inside.

After, they would have to whisper their guess to eiher Ms. Diana or Ms. Kiara in order to recieve ther prize!

The objects in the box were a small pumpkin and a small halloween bear figureine, and the prizes were halloween bookmarks. 

Thank you to everyone who came to play with us, we had so much fun! 


興奮・ヤッター! My Future Dream Presentation - Day 2

Hello again everyone! 

Today the second years continued with their " My future dream" presentations. Even though it was Monday, both the presenters and their listeners ( classmates) showed excitement and support of their dreams! キラキラ

Some of the dreams presented were:

- civil servants

-voice actors


-pet groomers and many more! 

They have such great dreams and a bright future ahead! I'm sure all of their dreams will come true, Good Luck kids! キラキラ


笑う My Future Dream Presentations - Day 1

Today, the second year students started presentations on their " Future Dreams!" They taught us what they wanted to become in the future. 

Students wanted to be nurses, pharmacists, pet groomers and more! All of the students have great dreams and know what they need to do to achieve thier dreams. They are all excited for the future and that makes it even more likely to come true. Next week we see the second half of presenters, can't wait!



NEW Funglish Day Broadcast and Activities 10/17

Happy Funglish Day! 

It's Thursday again and today we broadcasted what the most popular candy is on Halloween. The most popular candy in the USA are peanut butter cups!  

Also, In the first year class, we learned some things about some of the Kita Junior High teachers. For example, what their favortie color is, what food they like and if they play games or not. 

It was fun learning again today and can't wait for another Funglish Thrusday! 興奮・ヤッター!





NEW Funglish Day Broadcast!

Today is Funglish day! 

And in our broadcast today we discussed what the 3rd years are learning in English class. They are learning about people with disabilities and the inventions that people have made to help them in their daily lives. The one that we talked about specifically are braille blocks. They help visually impared people to see using their other senses. 

Wow! there are many diffent people in the world and I'm glad that there is something for everyone! 

For lunch today we had bread, milk, chicken nuggets, ravioli soup and a delicous yogurt and fruit dish. 

Have a great Thursday everyone!




飛行機 Surprise Guest from Australia!


Today, we met a new friend from Australia! She told us some facts about herself and about her country and we were surpised to learn that they have gummy's in the shape of worms! 

After that, we played a game of  ' musical chairs' and had so much fun together. 

It was fun learning about each other and having fun today, we hope to meet you again in the future! 




Funglish Update (June 28th, 2023)

Hello everyone. Here is an update from our Funglish classes.

This is from the 3rd Grade class. They are learning about nature and animals. Now, they can say "I have a dog. She has lived with me for five years."

They gave a speech in groups about their pets and or plants they have grown. 

Very nice speeches, everyone. Thank you!

See you later!


Funglish Update (June 19, 2023)

Hello everyone. Here is an update from our Funglish classes.

Last week, the 2nd grade students made presentations. They wrote their dream travel plan to another country. 

Today, they showed their presentations. 

The students want to go to:







Great presentations, everyone!

See you later!



Funglish Update (June 13th, 2023)

Hello everyone. Here is an update from Funglish classes.

1st Grade

We are learning to give orders. We learned "Open your textbook," and "Don't talk now."

We played a gesture game. 


Today, we had a video call with students in Australia! It was very fun!

2nd Grade

 The 2nd graders are learning about traveling abroad. We learned to say "You have to prepare for rain," and "You don't have to take a towel." 

The students made 3 Hint Quizzes about different countries. Then, they roleplayed travelers and travel agents. 

3rd Grade

The 3rd graders are learning to use sentences like "I have been studying English for three hours." 

We did a picture describing activity. Then, we read the textbook about Deer Crossings. 

Let's continue enjoying Funglish! Thank you!



Funglish Lunch Time (June 1st, 2023)

Hello everyone. 

Now it's June. Today is Funglish Day. We had the Funglish Broadcast during lunch, as usual.

Today, a 3rd grade student read the quiz. Great job! 喜ぶ・デレ

Today's quiz question was: What is June 21st? 

A: Summer

B: the School Speech Contest

C: Tomorrow

The answer was A: Summer. 

See you next week!


Funglish Update (May 26, 2023)

Hello, everyone! 笑う

This is an update from our Funglish classes.

This was Friday, May 26th in the 1st grade class.

First, they gave presentations. They introduced their school and teachers. Now, they can say "This is a blackboard." and "He is a P.E. teacher."

They wrote and presented very well!

Then, we practiced saying "What time is it?" We roleplayed about using smartphones. We asked "What time is it?" in other countries. 

They spoke very well!

Let's continue enjoying Funglish. See you later! 


Funglish Classes (April 24, 2023)

Hello everyone!

It's a new school year. We are enjoying Funglish again this year. 

Here are some activites we did in Funglish classes.

~1st Grade~ 

The students checked letters and sounds. We played karuta. 


We played Fruits Basket using questions like:

-"When is your birthday?"

-"Where are you from?"

-"What anime do you like?"


Then, we learned how to use a dictionary. 


~2nd Grade~

The 2nd grade students are learning the grammar "There is"/"There are."


We learned new words, and read the textbook. The textbook has Anpanman! 


~3rd Grade~

The 3rd graders are learning to talk about experiences (経験). The grammar is "I have eaten ~."

They are listening to the textbook audio. Do you like sukiyaki?


To practice vocabulary, everyone says one word. 



Let's continue enjoying Funglish!

See you!