

星 Funglish Day Speed UNO - 12/19

Hello everyone! 

Yesterday was our last ENG ( English, Now, Go!)  activity before the winter holiday! 

We played a round of speed UNO, which made the game more challending and fast as I only gave them 2 seconds to think and put down a card! I was also able to show some of the students some tricks to play in order to win the game faster! 

If you have never played UNO, it is a color and number matching game essentially, along with some curve balls along the way. For example, when you have one card left, you call out "UNO" and but then the next player can put down an add 2 card and you no longer have UNO! 


We are very thanful for all the help and participation during our Funglish Day activities and can't wait to start them up again next year! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! キラキラ