
キラキラ Welcome back from Winter Vacation!

Hello everyone! 

I hope you are doing well. We are back from our winter vacations and from what I have heard from the students, they were happy to have a little bit of a break! 

For christmas, the students got presents from their families and ate various christmas cakes and foods. 

And for New Year they ate Ozoni soup, soba and got otoshidama from their families! 

As for me, I went back home to Guam for my vaction and had a great time spending the holidays on my island with my family and friends.

Let's wish the students well on thier studies this semester as well and keep cheering them on! The 3rd years are currenly in the process of taking their high school entrance exams so they are extra nervous, wish them good luck! 

Happy New Year everybody! キラキラ