

興奮・ヤッター! Funglish Day Christmas Tree Decoration - 12/05

Hello everyone! It's Funglish Day today, as well as the first Thursday of the Christmas season! 

Today we started our Christmas activities for this month, starting off with something extra special for the Funglish room. 

During lunch break, we got to write our wishes on ornaments, as well as draw some fun pictures. But, the best part was that we all got to decorate together and have fun talking about what we were writing! 

I'm glad that we got to have another fun Funglish day together and do something special for our classroom! 

We'll be back next week for more Funglish classroom and activity updates. Have a great day! キラキラ


星 Origami Christmas Decorations - 12/05

Hello everyone! 

Since the start of December, we've been trying to decorate our classroom with chirstmas decorations to get into the season. One of our first year girls has been helping us with her amazing origami skills! She has made mady decorations so far, but some of my favorite are:

- Pokemon christmas wreath 

- Surprise bear box 

- Cat and Giraffe Christmas animals

- Disney Ornaments 

They are all very cute and help our classroom be more festive for this coming Christmas! I can't wait to she what her creativity brings us next. We'll be looking forward to it! 



Funglish class update! - 12/03

Hello everyone! 

Here is a little update from our English class. Our 3rd years are learning how to say what their wishes are. 

For example, " I wish I had 100,000,000 yen." 

All of the kids had great wishes, some of my favorites were: 

- I wish I could talk and be friends with animals. 

- I wish I could bea flower. 

- I wish I could be a cat.

They are learning this at a perfect time, because it is the Christmas season! 

During this season, people create a " Wish list," of what they want for Christmas to Santa and their families. 笑う

It is a sign of the winter season and as the season is changing, the weather is als getting colder, so please stay warm! 

Stay tuned for more updates on our English classes! 


Yomkikase Funglish Day! - 11/28

Hello everyone! 

It's Funglish Day today again and we had another activity. This is our last fall Funglish day, so we did something extra special. 

" Yomikikase" is known in english as "storytime." Today's story was  The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Suess! 

The story is about two children who were bored on a rainy day while their mother is at work and were wishing for something to do. Then suddenly, a cat in a hat came though thier door with many tricks and fun adventures for them to go on together! 

This is a childhood favorite book for many students in the US and I'm glad that we got to read it together today! 

See you all next week as we beging our Christmas Funglish activities! 


星 Funglish Day UNO! - 11/21

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well! It has gotten a lot colder outside as winter is approaching, so please try to stay warm and dress warmly! 

It's Funglish day again and today we had another activity planned for today that many of the kids got to enjoy! 

Today we played a game of Thanksgiving UNO! This is a game that is widly played all over the world for people to play for many occasions. The variation we played today is "UNO: Wild Turkey" 

The rules are mostly the same except, when you get a " Wild Turkey" card you get to either make someone pick up 4 cards or you can choose the next color for the cards. 

Thank you to all the students who came to join us and for those who couldn't make it, we hope to see you on our next Funglish day activity! 



重要 Funglish Day Broadcast & Update! - 11/14

Hello everyone it's Funglish day again and this week the student's schedule is a little different because they are on their last day of their midterm exams! They started since yesterday, so lets cheer them up and wish them good luck again today! 

In today's Funglish lunch broadcast we talk about the most famous character in the USA. Can you guess who it is? Well... it's none other than 1ツ星Mickey Mouse1ツ星created by Walt Disney! He created the character to show people charm, fun, and happiness.

The first years are also working on presentation projects, introducing their favorite characters, celebrities, and even pets! We are all excited to hear them! 

Stay tuned for more updates on our classes and activities we do on Funglish days! Have a great day キラキラ


イベント Funglish Day Matching Card Game! - 11/07

Hello everyone! It is Funglish Day again and this week we played a game of "Match the Cards!" 

This is a matching game that takes both memorization and quick thinking... at least quicker than the person next to you!

I will teach you how to play the game: 

1. The dealer puts the back side of the cards down on the table in front of the players.  

2. When the dealer says " Go!"  the players flip two cards over at a time trying to find the matching pair. 

3. !!IMPORTANT!! Only two cards can be turned around at a time. 

4. The first to get all the cards right is the winner! 

It was a fun game that the students enjoyed playing and the teachers enjoyed watching! 

Stay tuned for more updates on other Funglish activities we are going to do in the future.  興奮・ヤッター!


キラキラ Happy Halloween!

Hello everyone! 

Yesterday was Funglish Day, but also Halloween! 

Halloween in the USA is known as a day where people dress up as their favorite characters and go trick or treating. 

Trick or Treating is when you go house to house and knock on their doors and say trick or treat! After that, they will reward you with a sweet treat! 

But did you know that Halloween started because people in the past belived that it was a day when evil spirits would come back, so to keep them away they wore scary costumes. 

Today tho, it is something fun for everyone to enjoy! Here are some cute drawings students did for Halloween 笑う


お知らせ Hurry! Make a sentence!

Update from the Funglish Class! 

The second year students had to put their heads together and quickly makeu up sentences from th pictures that they saw on the screen! 

For example: someone hearing shocking news " I am ____ to hear the news!" 

some of the words the students came up with were: 

- surprised 

- amazed 

- glad 

They had fun thinking together and showing thier English skils for this activity! 興奮・ヤッター!


重要 Funglish Day Halloween Activity - 10/24

We did our first ENG. ( English.. Now, Go!) activity for Funglish day last week! 

During the students lunch time break, we played " Whats in the Box?"  Where students had to blindly put there hand inside the box and guess what was inside.

After, they would have to whisper their guess to eiher Ms. Diana or Ms. Kiara in order to recieve ther prize!

The objects in the box were a small pumpkin and a small halloween bear figureine, and the prizes were halloween bookmarks. 

Thank you to everyone who came to play with us, we had so much fun!