Funglish Update (May 26, 2023)
Hello, everyone!
This is an update from our Funglish classes.
This was Friday, May 26th in the 1st grade class.
First, they gave presentations. They introduced their school and teachers. Now, they can say "This is a blackboard." and "He is a P.E. teacher."
They wrote and presented very well!
Then, we practiced saying "What time is it?" We roleplayed about using smartphones. We asked "What time is it?" in other countries.
They spoke very well!
Let's continue enjoying Funglish. See you later!
Funglish Lunch Time (May 11, 2023)
Hello everyone.
Today we had a Funglish broadcast.
Our lunch today is udon.
Today's quiz is about the teacher's Golden Week.
Our P.E. teacher went to see flowers in the park. Nice!
Thank you for listening.
See you next week.