Funglish Day 02/13
Hello everyone!
Here is an update from from our Funglish Day activities! Last week for Funglish Day, we played speed in the library. The students really enjoyed visitng a game they haven't played in awhile, as well as show the students that didn't know how to play a new game to enjoy! As winter is ending, so is the semester and the students will take finals soon. So, it was fun to see the students laughing and playing together!
If you dont know how to play speed, it is a game where you challenge one other player and have to stack the cards in numerical order in order to finish your cards and win! The player that gets rid of thier cards the fastest is the winner! Thank you to all the students that came out and can't wait to see who shows up at our next Funglish Day activty!
Funglish Day- 02/06
Hello everyone!
It's Funglish Day again today and we had another activity! Today, we played Jenga.
If you aren't familiar with Jenga, it is a game where each person takes one block at a time and stacks it on top. The person to knock over the tower is the loser! But, since it is Funglish Day, we added questions on the bottom of some of the blocks for the students to anser is they happen to pull them. It was fun to see the students enjoying a new game and having fun together!
Stay tuned for more updates on our Funglish classes and our special activities on Thursdays!
Have a great day and stay warm
Funglish Day - 01/30
Hello everyone!
Hope you are doing well. This week for our Funglish activity, we played a game well known here in Gunma. We played Jomo Karuta, this is a game that is traditionally played by children on New Year.
Jomo Karuta is a card slapping game all about Gunma, but since it was Fuglish day, we played the English version! Our 3rd years have been playing this game every week, so we thought that it would be a fun idea to let all the students have the opportunity to play and have fun!
Thank you to everyone who joined us! Hope to see you next week for our next event!